Welcome to . . . Read With Us Discussion Day

Bonny and Carole and I are posting discussion question(s) today for our latest RWU book . . . The Shipping News by Annie Proulx. Join the discussion (which you’re welcome do even if you didn’t read the book) by commenting on our blogs.  I’ll be answering your posts within the comment section for this discussion — and you can comment on other people’s comments, as well. Y’know . . . like in a real book group.

Let’s begin!

First . . . I’d really like to know what you thought of the book. What did you like best (or least) about the book? If this was a re-read for you, what was your experience with that? Did you watch the movie version of the book?

Second . . .  My favorite part of reading The Shipping News is getting to know the quirky characters. (And there are MANY quirky characters!) Which characters did you like best — and why? Who will you likely remember most? 

Third . . . Annie Proulx has a distinct writing style that works very well with the story she’s telling in The Shipping News. How do you think her writing enhances the mood and setting of the story?

I can’t wait to hear what you think!


Don’t forget: We’ll be discussing the book on Zoom tonight – 7:00 pm Eastern Time. There’s still time for you to join us! Just let me know of your interest either with a comment or by sending me an email (see sidebar, above) — and I’ll send a Zoom invitation.

PS – If you are planning to join us on the Zoom, but haven’t received an invitation from me (I sent them yesterday), please let me know so I can get the Zoom link to you today.