Just this morning, with my coffee, I finished binding off my “flower power” cowl. Then . . . I had to wait for the sun to come up to take a couple of photos in the natural light outside.


It’s not been blocked yet. And it definitely needs a lining. Those floats (even though I “managed” them pretty well, in the end) would easily get stuck on an earring. Easily. So. Lining it is. (The pattern does call for a lining, by the way.)

Here is Sleepy Kym, getting a first try-on in the bathroom earlier this morning. And JoJo, of course. (Because you know she was in on it, too. . . )


It’s gonna be really, really warm — and super toasty. (And I’m really, really hoping I won’t need to wear it until NEXT winter.)


How about you? What are you making this week?