I am often distracted by the siren call of “new” knitting designs. I see something . . . and oooooh! . . . I want to knit THAT. And sometimes, I do. But, usually, those designs end up just being passing notions, and they just come and go in my knitting-imagination.

There are a few, though, that have real sticking power. No matter what “new” stuff comes out, there are a few designs that are always, always at the top of my “to knit” list.

(another) Weekender.
The Must-Have Cardigan.
Sunday Morning.

No matter what I’m considering knitting next, these 5 designs are always in play. I already have yarn for each one of these 5 in my stash. (I’ve actually “earmarked” the yarn for these very knits.) I have the patterns. Yet, somehow, I keep passing them by.

Well, my friends.
I’m going in!

First up . . .

Yep. I’ve got a Day-Glo Humulus on the needles!


And I am charmed!

What was I waiting for??? Who knows!
But now that I’ve gotten a start on my list, there may be no stopping me.


How about you? What are you making this week?
(And do YOU have a list like this???)