“Snow provokes responses that reach right back to childhood.”
— Andy Goldsworthy
When I woke up, it had snowed.
Just a little bit. Enough to stick to the ground and the trees.

I thought it would make a nice photo . . . the first snow in my garden, out my window.
But JoJo had other ideas. She wanted to be A Part of It. Not just my photo. She wanted to be OUT in it. And I think she knew it wouldn’t last. (It didn’t.)
(Thank goodness the roof is finished.)
(Well. Almost. We still need gutters.)
How do things look . . . out YOUR window?
This snow is picturesque and prettier because it doesn’t last! My window is showing blue skies and still lots of leaves on the trees.
Oh my goodness! My office window shows a fat finch at the window bird feeder and bare branches on our crepe myrtle. The temps dropped here for sure – Saturday was a no coat day (and even flip flops in the afternoon) and Sunday was a you’d better bundle up day! Your view is very, very pretty.
I love that JoJo “photobombed” your picture! Last Thursday winter arrived here. We had a blizzard that dumped inches of snow and then the temps dropped into the 10s and 20s. Outside my window is snow that isn’t going anywhere! But we had a long and beautiful fall so I can’t complain.
I am loving JoJo! That look… it speaks volumes! Haha!
I am a bit envious of your snow! Your view looks so lovely! XO
That is a perfect picture of JoJo.
Out my window it is sunny, windy, and I am assuming VERY cold.
Dreaming of snow here, but will have to wait until the cabin is finished and we move north… FL was down in the 40s this morning, however, and I’m enjoying my first day of SWEATER WEATHER!
Bright sunshine this morning but our first dusting of snow could come Tuesday night.
Wish I had Jojo’s enthusiasm for the white stuff. I always like an inch or two before we head to Fl.
Jo Jo’s face says it all! It has been cold like mid-winter here, so we still have some snow on the ground from Saturday, but it should be a bit warmer today, so I hope it will melt off so I can get my leaves mulched! The temperature drop from the 70s to the 20s has been hard to adjust to!
They keep telling us we’re going to get snow, but I haven’t actually spotted any. It’s just gray and dreary. I love Jojo’s energy — so like kids who want to run out and play in the season’s first snow!
Frosty and sunny here! Scritches to JoJo!
Dixie adored the snow so I can completely relate to JoJo’s wish to GET RIGHT OUT THERE! We’ve got bright sunshine today but it’s windy and cold. I actually wore a coat for the first time this season.
Sweet, sweet photo. And, gosh darn, you have such a great spot for your houseplants. The woman who lived in this house and built the gardens 100 years ago was NOT the same woman who had the house built–or I wouldn’t have the majority of my windows facing North!
We have had spitting snow. And a small dousing of what look like teeny tiny Styrofoam balls. But nothing that’s expected to stick. Yet.
That JoJo looks like a dog with a big heart. Out my window today, the sky was gray and the leaves are down. Light snow fell but melted as if landed on the ground. I bundled up in wool and long johns and took a walk. Brr.
Jojo looks like she thinks she’s the boss. She probably is. No snow but colder than usual here. And sunny.
Rain, so much rain is what is outside my window and has been, mostly, for the last week and half. I would dearly love to see a blue sky……