When I’m in a rough patch, I can depend on a few things to get me out of it again. Friends (and especially friends who make me laugh). Journaling. Allowing myself to BE in the rough patch in the first place. Gardening. Making things. My dog. Time.

So. I’m feeling better; more settled. And here in this space again, ready to share a few things I’ve been working on and making. (With my loyal assistant, JoJo, naturally.)

First, I’m really excited about my seedlings! As I mentioned earlier this spring, this is my first time starting seedlings in an “official” way — with my own mini-grow light and following proper growing recommendations. (I mean . . . I’ve done plenty of Dixie cup seed starting with my kids over the years, but this is the first time I’ve actually gone “whole hog” over the seedling thing.) I had a few early casualties in my seed-growing experiment (I watered too much and a few of them ended up with root rot), but for the most part, I have really healthy plants that are ready for planting soon. After a successful couple of weeks in “day camp” outside, they’ve recently graduated to “sleep-over camp” in my little greenhouse. For the next few days, they’ll be “sleeping under the stars” . . . and then it’s into the garden beds they go! (In the gardening world, this process of gradually getting your tender seedlings ready for being outside full time is called “hardening off” and is vital for healthy plants in the garden.) What’s in there, by the way? Zinnias and dahlias from Floret Flowers (who, sadly, will not be selling seeds anymore after this season) (good thing I stocked up), cosmos, and basil from Select Seeds (a great seed source – and still selling seeds for years to come).

Next, I’ve been doing a lot of embroidery . . . and having a heck of a good time with it! This sampler has all the elements I like best in embroidery: Scandinavian design, a botanical “theme,” and medallions. I just love stitching medallions — and I’m really looking forward to playing around with that outer “ring” of medallions on this one. As I explained in an earlier post, I gave up on the linen thread that came with the sampler kit . . . which freed me up to Do My Own Thing with the colors and stitches. I’m always better when I Do My Own Thing, and I’m pleased with what’s happening so far. (I’ve ripped out a few things that didn’t please me in the way I’d hoped they’d please me, but that’s part of any Choose-Your-Own-Adventure project.)

As an aside – and just in case you haven’t heard about it elsewhere, Dropcloth Samplers just released a new Spring Fling sampler today. It’s my favorite one yet (after the gingerbread houses last fall), so I’m eager to get started on that one next. (If you’re interested in learning to embroider, or want to brush up your skills if they’re rusty, Rebecca has paired this new sampler with a Creative Bug class. Just sayin.) (I actually don’t see the Creative Bug class listed on her website yet, but she is talking about it on Instagram, so I know it’s coming.)

And finally, I’m knitting again! I haven’t knit a stitch since I finished my Hitchhiker, but I have been thinking about it a lot. I’m at the swatching stage . . . for the Garden cardigan from Ankestrick. I’ve had my eye on this cardigan since Anke started posting about it on Instagram months and months ago. I will admit that the name of the cardigan – Garden – did grab my attention right away. That vine-y pattern is, well . . .  di-vine. The pattern photo features a sweater knit in a lovely garden-y green cashmere/mohair combo (2 lace weight yarns held together) that looks soft and drapey and perfect for a garden party. Which is not quite my style. So I’ve been mulling over ways to make it work for me. Still light(ish). Garden-y green, for sure. But more . . . durable and slightly more rustic looking. I’ve settled on this yarn, which is a DK weight in a merino/cotton mix in a nice, tweedy garden-y green. It should work. And the swatch is looking promising. I’ll finish the swatch, give it a good soak, and then start doing the maths.

So. There you have it. I’m feeling better . . . with dirt under my fingernails, colorful threads to play with, and some yarn-y math to keep my mind sharp!


How about you? What are you working on this week?