August . . . is a great time to watch a summer blockbuster movie!

When I was a teen-ager, I lived in a small(ish) town (Cheyenne, Wyoming), and we had only two movie theaters. Yep. Just two. We could choose to see what was playing at the Lincoln, or we could choose to see what was playing at the Paramount. And the movie offerings there? Well, let’s just say that at that time in history, blockbuster movies didn’t come to Cheyenne right away. In fact, summer blockbusters . . . were often fall blockbusters by the time they rolled into town back in those days!

In the summer of 1975, I was 16 and THE blockbuster everyone wanted to see was . . .

But, of course, it was not showing at either the Lincoln OR the Paramount. (Sigh.) Lucky for me, though, I happened to travel to Denver for a swim meet one weekend soon after the movie came out. Some of my teammates and I convinced our chaperone that we should ALL go see Jaws while we were in Denver! So we did! We were so excited — but I was also really nervous about seeing it. (It did scare the $hit out of me, truth be told.) When we got back home to Cheyenne, my swim team friends and I enjoyed weeks of well-earned “social capital,” teasing our unlucky friends with tales of how great the movie was, and taunting them with how we knew they’d love it . . . when it came to town, that is!

Yep. There is no time like the summer to go see a movie.

Let’s create some Summer Vibes . . . by putting together our own Summer Film Festival!

Here’s the plan: Just leave a comment with your favorite summer movies. They don’t need to be actual blockbusters. They can just be movies you saw in the summer. Or maybe movies about summer. Or even movies that just remind you of summer. You can even include a story or two if you’d like.

I’ll compile a list of movies and share it later this month — so we can all celebrate these last days of summer with a virtual Summer Film Festival.

(Now who’s bringing the popcorn???)