Today is the third Thursday of the month, and that means it’s time for . . .

The other day, on my patio, I noticed that this little bit of stonecrop sedum had rooted itself in the “patio detritus” captured under my rain barrel. It was growing, just nice as you please, right out of the cement. No soil needed at all!

And it reminded me of this little poem from James Crews . . . so I thought I’d share it with you today.

Wild Marigolds
by James Crews

You want to be anywhere but here,
believing this place has nothing left to offer
and doubting your own purpose on the planet,
when you see this clump of wild marigolds,
tiny constellation of pink blooms
somehow growing out of the side of a tree
in the dappled shadows of a forest trail.
And you say to yourself: if these flowers
can sprout from a carpet of moss covering
the gnarled trunk of a maple, then maybe
I too can grow where I’m planted
right here in this rocky soil, trusting
I already have in me all that I need
to become everything I’m meant to be.

I’m not actually sure where this poem is/has been published, I’m sorry to say. I have a copy printed out and taped into one of my journals, but it does not include source information. I wasn’t able to find a copy of the poem online, either. (Although there are a few other James Crews poems – and a very brief bio – available on the Poetry Foundation website). You can find out more about the poet or sign up for his newsletter here. James Crews is the editor of several poetry anthologies, including one of my favorites, How to Love the World: Poems of Gratitude and Hope.


You can find A Gathering of Poetry every month . . . on the third Thursday.
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(Bonny is hosting a special link-up for A Gathering of Poetry. Be sure to check it out!)