Okay. So here I am, just cruising along with my sweater . . .

when this “reminder” on my phone pops up. Turns out it’s time for my annual get-the-adorable-pumpkin-kit-out-of-the-drawer-and-think-about-making-it-for-a-few-weeks-while-knowing-you-won’t.

(You can read the backstory here.)

So I pulled the little kit out of the drawer. And then I opened the envelope and pulled all the pieces out and looked at them for awhile. I read the (sparse) directions again. I sighed. I came very close to throwing the whole thing in the trash. But those pumpkins are so very adorable. And the finished piece would so perfectly fit in with my Halloween holiday décor.

So . . .
I decided to give it one afternoon’s worth of my time and see what happened.

It was a pretty miserable afternoon.
Because my favorite thing to do is NOT . . . fiddly cutting of wool pieces. AND it is NOT fusing them together, either. But when the afternoon was up, I had this . . .

It’s all ready for stitching now.
And I am charmed.

Now I’m juggling two projects.
Just like that!


How about you? What are you making this week?