I’ve been thinking a lot about my word SHIFT lately.

But that doesn’t mean I have a lot to say about what I’ve been thinking about.
Yet, I mean.

It’s nearing the end of the year, and I’m pulling together all the “shift threads” I’ve loosened so far . . . trying to make sense of things before wrapping it all up next month.

But here’s something fun I played around with in my “shift journal” during November:

Although I can’t remember what it was exactly, I do know that Ali Edwards over at One Little Word posted the November prompt encouraging us to complete this phrase: “I AM ______________.” As I’ve explained (many times, I know), I don’t tend to “do” the OLW prompts as described, but I often use them as a starting point for my own thinking/inspiration. And that’s what happened this time.

I started with the phrase “I AM ___________” and then I dipped into my little box of “word-bits” to try to fill in the blank(s). You can see the results in the photo above. All of my “word-bits” needed to flow from the “I AM” phrase.  So, for example . . .

  • I AM . . . ready to roll.
  • I AM . . . over the moon.
  • I AM . . . in progress.
  • I AM . . . seeing life with wonder.
  • And so on.

It was a fun way to play with words . . . in the context of how/who/where . . . I AM.

The best line, though?
It’s right there at the bottom.
I AM . . . anticipating the shift.
(And, trust me, you’ll hear more about that with my end-of-the-year SHIFT wrap-up post next month.)