Weave . . . is turning out to be one of my favorite-ever One Little Words. It’s quiet, contemplative, powerful. It just kind of hovers there, always in the background. It’s a real connect-the-dots kind of word. And I love it!

This month, I came across this little “blip” from Elizabeth Gilbert on Instagram, and although it isn’t directly about weaving, and she never mentions the word “weave” as she talks . . . I think she’s definitely talking about weaving the landscape of your life. About how that blend of stuff . . . the things-that-work and things-that don’t, the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly, the all-of-it . . . comes together for us to make of it what we will.

For me, weave . . . is about making peace with that “big, huge auditorium of a landscape inside.”
And making it mine. All mine. (Even the rough bits.)

“Every weaving is as unique as the weaver who makes it. The goddess does not want us to imitate some ideal of perfection, but to be our true selves.”
      — Deborah Harkness