I finished my latest embroidery project last week. JoJo and I are excited to share it with you today!

(I’ve already told you all about the project in an earlier post, and I also summed it all up for you – in case you’re interested in more details and photos – here in my Field Notes, so I won’t go into the whole thing again in this space.)

This was just a lovely embroidery project to work on — fun, relaxing, and a nice change of pace from knitting. It seems like it didn’t take much time at all to complete, either, which is always nice. I had a great time playing around with colors, and I used the stitches I enjoy most.

What will I do with it now that it’s finished? I have no idea! It seems like it would make a nice pillow or wall hanging; maybe a tote bag. We’ll have to see. (According to Tom, we have plenty of pillows. Plenty, he says. Wall space is already at a premium at both my house and cabin so I’m not sure where a wall hanging fits in . . . and I surely don’t need another tote bag. So. Who knows!)

I always like to include a photo of the back side of my embroidery work. (You can see it in the gallery portion of my Field Notes.) When I was a little girl, my great-grandmother (who taught me how to embroider) always told me that neatness-on-the-back would lead to neatness-on-the-front . . . and that lesson stuck with me over the years. She was right, of course. So I try. (The proof is always in the pudding.)

Now that I’m done with my stitching project, I’m back to knitting (I’ll show you the knitting next week). But I am plotting my next embroidery project already, so stay tuned!


How about you? What are you working on these days . . . as spring turns to summer?