Memorial Day has passed. Tomorrow we turn the calendar to June. It’s time to get those summer vibes flowing . . . and have some fun!

This summer – all summer long – I’m going to be hosting a Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt . . . and I hope you’ll play along.
It’ll be easy.
It’ll be fun.
There will be some silly prizes along the way.

Here’s how it will work:

  • I have created a Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt list of 30 things for you to do or find or experience over the summer.
  • I’ll be releasing the list in 3 “waves” of 10 items on the first day of the month in June, July, and August. (Which means, yes, tomorrow – a Saturday – I’ll be releasing the first list.)
  • You have all summer long to do/find/experience any of the items on the list. (You don’t have to complete the June list in June, for example; you can do things whenever you want during the summer months. If you do something in June and then it doesn’t appear on the list until August, that’s okay, too. I’m just breaking the list down into 3 segments because . . . my game, my rules.)
  • You can be as creative about completing the items on the list as you want to be; list items are completely open for your interpretation.
  • You can complete the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt list items on your own or with others.
  • There is nothing for you to “join;” you can just take part if you feel like it . . . anytime you feel like it . . . between June 1 and August 31.
  • When you do/find/experience items on the list, you need to let me know BY EMAIL (I’ll have a special link on the sidebar beginning tomorrow). In your email, you need to tell me what you did and maybe a little story about your experience. Attaching a photo will get you extra points. You can summarize your “findings” by month or you can send me individual emails for each “finding” . . . I don’t really care.
  • Each month, on or about the 25th, I’ll create a blog post sharing some of your stories and maybe your photos (of course I’ll ask you for permission before I do that) and announce that month’s “winner.” That way, we can all enjoy the game together.

Here’s how you “win”:

  • Well. You win by just playing along. You win by having fun this summer. You win by cheering each other on.
  • That said, there are points to be won and silly prizes to be awarded!
    • For every item you do/find/experience – and report to me by email – you’ll get a point.
    • For every story you tell in your email, you get an extra point.
    • For every photo you share in your email, you get an extra-extra point.
    • There will also be “style points” available, and those my friends? Those points will be awarded at my discretion (my game, my rules . . . ), and will be bestowed based on creativity, bravery, humor, and other qualities I can’t even imagine yet. (I’ll know it when I see it.)
  • Important information about the points: You can claim points for each item ONLY ONCE. No double-counting will be allowed.
  • Each month, I will acknowledge a “winner” for that month, and that will be the person earning the most points in that discrete month. If there are multiple participants with the same number of points, I’ll use a random number generator to determine the “winner.”
  • At the end of August, I’ll name the Grand Prize Winner . . . the Summer Vibe-iest Viber! This will be the participant with the most cumulative points overall for the summer.

Oh, it’s going to be fun don’t you think?
I hope you’ll join in and have some Summer Vibes fun with me.

And watch for June’s Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt list tomorrow!


Please let me know if you have questions or if you need more information. I’ll edit this post for clarity as needed.