I’m going to start with this . . . I am really struggling right now.

Part of my struggle is just dealing with the relentless State of Things in the world. That constant battering of horribleness that is going on – for all of us – all the time. (And I don’t even listen to/watch the news anymore.) But it’s actually more than that. I also have a Dreaded Event . . . looming over my head . . . later this week. Something that is necessary, but also really hard.

So this one-two punch (the State of the World AND the State of MY World) is combining to drag me under.

I have been trying to return to the things I love best, to notice the little things in my days that bring me joy. And they are definitely there . . . those little joy-ful things. And they do help. A little bit, at least.

Over the weekend, I received a few Scavenger Hunt entries, complete with photos and stories. When I first thought of the whole Scavenger Hunt thing, it was designed to help us enjoy the summer months — to immerse ourselves in some summer fun, some summer joy even if (some of us) don’t actually enjoy summer all that much. But I realized this weekend that seeing your photos come in . . . your silly hats and your pets and your ice cream . . . that I actually find joy in watching YOU find joy! (So please keep those entries coming! I can really use them this week.)

Your Scavenger Hunt “finds” got me thinking about my own Scavenger Hunt “finds” for the weekend. Of course, I can’t play along (officially), but I can share what I’d share IF I were playing along . . .


Like this sunset photo I took from my front porch. Our house sits on a hill and it faces west, so we see really great sunsets all the time. Tom called out a “beauty emergency” for this one . . . and we ran out into the front yard to watch it.

And this road trip photo I took over the weekend on our drive to visit Brian and Lauren in southern Michigan. “Road trips” don’t have to be long or exciting, y’know? To me, a road trip . . . is just getting out of town. Seeing some scenery. Maybe trying a new route (which we were doing).


I’d also share this not-so-great photo of JoJo meeting Brian and Lauren’s robo-lawn mower. Poor JoJo spent much of last week (“fireworks week”) either drugged or hung over. (She is terrified of fireworks.) She was still very much “sleeping it off” when we visited Brian and Lauren, but she did perk up when the mower started mowing. She sounded the “intruder alarm” — and then stalked it for a while (it moves very, very slowly and there are many safety features built in to keep it from encountering obstacles – like animals). By the time I had stopped laughing and thought to take a photo, she was Over It and ready to continue her nap . . . but maybe you can imagine how funny that was for all of us.

And I’d share this lovely bouquet I’m enjoying in the house this week. One of my great joys this summer . . . is my weekly flower subscription from Flowerfield Farms. This lovely flower “farm” is nearby, but not really. It’s south enough from me that I have a hard time getting down there to pick up bouquets from their roadside stand very often. When they started sharing a weekly delivery subscription service (I get a fresh bouquet delivered to my door every week), I signed on. Big splurge, yes. But it has been the most lovely thing — and worth every penny.


Those are Scavenger Hunt “entries” that I would share . . . if I were playing along.


Keep looking for those little joys. And share them! They do bring brightness . . . into these really dark days.