And just like that . . .  C’est fini!

Once I showed you my progress (or lack thereof) on my bag a couple of weeks ago, I got myself motivated — and decided to just plow through and finish the dang thing!


I even got inspired . . . and stitched up a little “extra” on the inside pocket. (I love a good “surprise inside.”) The words are from one of my favorite Tom Petty songs, Wildflowers, and they just felt right to me for this bag.


(I had planned to stitch some flowers under the words on that pocket. But . . . hoo-boy. It was just too tight to wrangle everything back there, y’know? I sewed on a little applique instead. Which wasn’t easy either.)

You might notice (but then again you probably won’t) that earlier versions of my stitching progress included a good deal of bright white thread (you can see this on the first photo below). I wasn’t happy with it from the get-go, but I kept hoping that once I carried it further through the piece (the “give-it-some-real-estate” thing) that it would all work out. In this case, by the time I got to that second-to-last flower motif, I knew that the jarring white thread was just going to make my eye twitch everytime I looked at the bag. So I ripped all the white stitches out and re-did them with more subdued colors (second photo). Much better, n’est-ce pas? (Easier on the eyes.)


I’m really happy with the way it turned out — and I can’t wait to put it to use. The best thing about stitching on an already-finished tote bag . . . is when I’m finished with the stitching, it’s ready to go! (None of that hemming and hawing over how best to finish it off, y’know?) Bonus!

If you click here (in my Field Notes), you can read the “tech specs” (details) — and see a photo of the stitching from the back side!


How about you? What are you making this week?