Although I’m feeling fine now (and finally testing “negative” again!),  I’ve been thinking about feeling under the weather recently. I thought it might be fun for us to consider how we like to take care of ourselves when we’re not quite . . . at our best. Let’s play . . .

Thinking about how you feel when you’re . . . under the weather . . . which of these describes your preferences? This? Or that?

Sleep all the time . . . OR . . . Feel restless

Cold medicine . . . OR . . . Home remedies

Ginger Ale . . . OR . . . Orange Juice

Stay in bed . . . OR . . . Find another place to rest

Lose your appetite . . . OR . . . Have food cravings

Google your symptoms . . . OR . . . Prefer not to know

Feel sorry for yourself . . . OR . . . Get cranky

Hot tea with lemon . . . OR . . . Hot tea with honey

Watch TV . . . OR . . . Read books

Starve a fever . . . OR . . . Feed a cold


To answer, just copy the list above, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.

This . . . or . . . That?
I can’t wait to see what you choose.

(As for me? Check the comments to find out!)