I’m sure you don’t remember this . . . but last year, I was disappointed in my front porch container plantings. My pots were old and lackluster (and a couple were cracked). I had tried something new – planting perennials in the containers – and they didn’t perform as well or bloom for as long as I had hoped. Plus, there was a nasty old coiled hose that I fought with every damn day when it came to watering.

As part of my end-of-year garden assessment, I vowed to get new containers AND a new hose for my front porch.

And so I did.


The new hose? It’s nothing special. But it’s short, it doesn’t get tangled up, and it gets the job done quickly and easily. The containers, though? Ahhhhh! They are lovely, but subtle. Just what I wanted. And they provide a perfect backdrop for bright, sizzling colors and a little bit of porch pizzazz. They’re just getting started. It’s been very chilly here, so the plants have been just biding their time . . . But there’s a heat wave on the way, so . . .


Watch this space!
I think these containers might be magnificent in a couple of weeks.


Have a great weekend, everyone.
Make space for a little pizzazz in your garden or patio or porch.
(And don’t forget to play the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt!)