I’ve been doing a little knitting.
Not much.
But my project is slowly . . . taking root!

It’s the Garden Cardigan by Ankestrick. As you can see, I’m not terribly far along at this point, but finished with the trickier bits (which aren’t all that tricky, actually). It begins a little differently than most top-down cardigans, but the directions are super clear, and the knitting is enjoyable. (Ankestrick patterns are always fun to knit.) (Clever, too.)

I love the little split-back neckline. It was designed so the sweater won’t slide off your shoulders if you’re, say . . . working in the garden . . . while wearing it. The stitch pattern is very easy to memorize – and read – so I don’t have to look at the pattern very often at this point.

I’m sure this won’t be flying off my needles anytime soon, but I think this cardigan is off to a good start. Maybe I’ll be wearing it for fall garden chores? We’ll see!


How about you? What are you working on this week?