Welcome to the Summer Vibes Scavenget Hunt . . . June Edition!

Your challenge this summer is to find or do or experience 30 items on the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt list. Click here to read all about it and review the rules and particulars.

The first ten items on the list (and remember . . . these are all open to your own interpretation, so have at it!):

  1. Visit a farmer’s market.
  2. Paint your toenails a fun color.
  3. Do some summer reading/join a summer reading program/take part in a book group meeting.
  4. Wear your favorite sunglasses.
  5. Add a whimsical touch to your life.
  6. Visit a public garden.
  7. Drive or ride in/on an unconventional vehicle.
  8. Eat breakfast outside.
  9. See a summer blockbuster movie.
  10. Eat a “classic” ice cream treat.

The game is afoot!