Welcome to the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt . . . August edition!

Your challenge this summer is to find or do or experience 30 items on the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt list. Click here to read all about it and review the rules and particulars.

The last ten items on the list:

  1. Have a s’more.
  2. Start – or finish – a summer project.
  3. Watch some baseball.
  4. Go to a summer festival or fair.
  5. Eat a popsicle.
  6. Watch a summer movie.
  7. Go barefoot.
  8. Cheer your favorite Olympians.
  9. Sip some lemonade.
  10. Drive with the windows open.

The game is afoot!


You can still get points/credit for doing any of the items on the June list or the July list. AND . . . if you did some of the items on the August list back in June or July, well . . . that’s absolutely allowed. This is all about . . . enjoying some Summer Vibes . . . whatever summer month you enjoy them in.

The items on the list are all open to your interpretation. That’s part of the fun! There are many ways to enjoy summer, and I’m hoping these lists will help spur your imagination and spark some creative responses.

To play along, just send me an email letting me know which items you “did” this month. Include a story or a photo for bonus points. Creativity will earn you style points. Have fun!