Welcome (back) to the . . .

You most likely haven’t even noticed or missed it, but I had to shutter my Museum of Me for a couple of months while completing some maintenance on the photo archive portion of the collection. (Y’know, it’s nearly impossible to put together a decent Museum of Me exhibit without photos. . . ) But I’m back up and running now, just in time for a brand new exhibit.

This month . . . the exhibit is all about those expressions from our childhoods that still echo in our memories.

When I think back to my growing-up years, my mom’s voice echoes above all others in my memory. My mom was gentle and loving and full of fun. But she was a mom, still. And she had her limits! Here are five expressions my mom said . . . over and over . . . to me as a child.

“You are slower than molasses running up a hill in January!”

And, looking back now, I’m sure I WAS that slow. Especially when she wanted me to do something I didn’t want to do. But this expression never worked to get me moving. (Sorry, Mom. It was just not motivating.)

“Go outside and blow the stink off you!”

She employed this expression whenever I was under foot. Or whining about having nothing to do. Or if I’d been stuck inside for awhile. Or when I was turning cartwheels in the living room. Again. (And my mom knew best. Getting outside always DID “blow the stink off.”) (Still does.)

“When I was a little girl, all I ever wanted was a sister!”

My mom was an only child. She really didn’t understand sibling dynamics at all. Not even a little bit. So when my sister and I squabbled or picked at each other, she could not relate. It drove her right over the motherhood edge . . . and she always brought out the old “all I ever wanted was a sister” line. (And you might be able to guess what my sister and I always replied – at least in our minds . . . Oh yeah? You could have MINE!)

“If [fill-in-the-name-of-a-friend] jumped off a cliff, would you want to jump off too?”

Oh, this one was the bane of my tween years. Because, yes, Mom. I probably would. (But, again, she was right. And I didn’t jump . . . very often.)

“Don’t worry. Everything will be JUST FINE.”

And, yes. It usually was. But as an awkward teenager, this expression used to frustrate the heck out of me. Because I wanted an immediate solution — and (usually) justice. Not the Pollyanna treatment. (But she was right again. It always was.) (Eventually.)


How about you? Do any of these sound familiar to you? What expressions from your childhood still echo in your memory?


The photos in this post aren’t necessarily “great” photos . . . in a “photographic” sense. But each is very dear to me because they capture the true spirit of my mom. She was such fun, so full of joy. I miss her every day. I’d love to have her tell me – right now – not to worry, and that . . . everything will be Just Fine.