Welcome to the . . .

This month’s Museum of Me exhibit is all about . . . our “happy places.” As in . . . those memories, situations, or activities that make us feel happy . . . which is the definition I found in the Cambridge Dictionary when I looked it up:

When I was a child, I had a few “happy places,” although I know I didn’t think of them in that way. They were just special events in my life that got me feeling all giddy whenever I thought about them . . . or situations that brought me feelings of comfort and well-being. Things like . . .

Going to Kiddie Land. (Which apparently was a cause to get really dressed up back in 1964?)

Christmas Morning.

And snuggling up on the couch with my mom and my sister to read or watch TV together. (There are no photos of us doing this. So this rare camping photo will have to suffice . . . because it’s so dang adorable.)

Now that I’m all grown up, though. Well. My “happy places” are a little different. And . . . let’s just say that I have quite a few of them:

Book stores.
Plant nurseries.
Well-stocked fabric or stationery shops.
The fiber-filled barns at the West Michigan Fiber Festival.
Sitting around a campfire.
Walks in the woods.
Relaxing on our lake up north.
Watching the sun go down.
My garden.

And, of course, spending time with this guy . . .


How about you? What’s your “happy place?” And is it different now that it was when you were a child?


Thanks for visiting the Museum of Me. Watch for new exhibits . . . on the 2nd Friday of each month. If you’re a blogger and you’d like to create a Museum of Me along with me on your own blog, let me know. I’ll send you our “exhibit schedule” (a list of monthly prompts) and we can tell our stories together.