Well, friends . . . we’re reaching the end of the summer. Which means we’re also reaching the end of the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt. Next week is the last week for you to submit your summer entries. In fact, next Friday – August 30 – is the LAST DAY I can accept your entries.

So. Enjoy these last days of summer . . . and send me your entries for the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt before time runs out!

Here are some links to help you strategize your activities as summer winds down:

Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt explanation and “rules”/guidelines

June list

July list

August list

Remember . . . you can submit entries now for ANY of the items on the list, no matter when you “did” them during the summer. (You just won’t get credit for double-counting.) (I have a spreadsheet!)

And just to get your competitive juices flowing, I’ll mention that one of you . . . has been VERY busy completing the lists and has been submitting entries diligently this month. Just sayin.
