As I mentioned yesterday, garden season is upon me. It happens fast here. Explosively fast. One day, nothing is happening. The next day everything is happening. I’ve learned to make hay while the sun shines in my garden in the early spring. (And to be wary. There is a snowflake in my extended forecast. Next Monday.)

So I’m busy out there right now. I know that the more cleaning up and weeding I can do now . . . the easier things will be in May (when it’s time for mulch and I can plant and things really start to explode). And that means I don’t have a lot of time or energy for other things right now.

Like knitting.

So here’s a little drive-by look at my (meager) knitting activities . . .

First, I have The Procrastination Project. The lining is complete. It is ready to be stitched into the cowl. But it is warm now, and I don’t care so much. (But I’ll be doing it anyway. Because I really do want to finish this up so I can pack it away for the season.)

Then, I have The Future Project. This is the yarn for my next project. Which I’ve decided, after much hemming and hawing, will be a simple cardigan. (I’m thinking this one.) A couple skeins (I have plenty for a cardigan, not to worry) are sitting on my dining room table, ready to be wound into balls and swatched. Soon. (Maybe when that aforementioned snowflake rolls around and keeps me out of the garden?)

Luckily, I recently found The TV-Watching Project . . . which is a Musselburgh Hat I started some months ago, and then forgot about. Until the other day when I was clearing out my knitting bag and unearthed it . . .  rolling around in the bottom. Lucky find; good timing.

How about you? What are you working on?