Last week, I showed you the rather unexciting black pullover sweater that is currently in progress on my knitting needles. (While it’s going to be very exciting to wear, it’s just not so exciting to blog about. Y’know?) I really do want to wear it, so I’m highly motivated to keep working on it. In fact, I’m halfway through the front now (the back is already finished), so I’m making good progress. Steady on . . . and all that.

But. . . I’m afraid I’ve gotten myself a little distracted.

I mean . . . I have a bunch of art projects in the works right now. And, of course, there’s the sweater. Garden planning is in full swing. And I’m signing myself up for Medicare this week. I’m also planning a trip to visit Erin in California. I have zero time for a charming and whimsical anything. Zero. Time.

And yet . . .

I find myself sculpting little hearts.
Out of wool.

(I know.) I just seem unable to help myself when these fun and charming seasonally-themed . . . things . . . present themselves to me. Especially at this time of year, when I am craving color and whimsy and fun in such a big way!

Here I am. Making hearts. Colorful, rainbow hearts.

It’s never easy to create shapes from . . . wads of wool, and hearts are especially tricky. There’s a definite learning curve, but I’m getting better with each successive heart. Which is fine motivation to . . . keep going.

I haven’t decided yet if I’ll string them together to create a heart garland, or if I’ll just keep them as a “loose” collection of little hearts to display in bowls (or even give away).

Anyway. I just want you to know that I’m not really neglecting my black sweater. Just . . . making it share my “crafting spotlight” for a couple of days. I can’t help myself!


How about you? What are you making this week?