When I was a little girl, my mom had a Doris Day album she listened to quite often, and on that album, Doris crooned a song (which you may also recall from days-long-gone-by) . . . Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered.

Well. These days, when it comes to making things, that song title can serve as an apt description for how I feel about my current projects. Only I’ll change the last word from “bewildered” to “bedazzled!”

I’m bewitched . . . by these “junk mail folios” I’ve been creating in my Fodder School class* this month.



The top two photos (the green)? Well, that WAS a piece of junk mail from Balsam Hill advertising their Christmas tree collection. I have transformed it – using layers of gesso, acrylic paint, and an old stamp/stamp pad – into a pocket folio. For what? I have no idea. But it was fun. (And I’m not really finished with it yet; it’s still in progress.) The other two photos (the pink)? Well, that’s an old manilla file folder, destined for the recycling pile, currently being transformed into . . . more pocket folios (also with uncertain purposes).

I really am bewitched with the process. (And I’ll show you how they turn out when I’m finished.)

I’m bothered . . . by my knitting.


Not bothered BY it, exactly. Or even WITH it. Just . . . bothered. Because I got it all started off so nicely, and then got busy with other things (see “bewitched” and “bedazzled”). I’m bothered simply because I haven’t made progress (because I haven’t picked it up) in a week!

And I’m bedazzled . . . with these addictive little gingerbread houses!


I am really, really loving this project. It’s the one I always reach for when I sit down in the evening. (Which explains the lack of knitting progress. . . ) It was sunny today, so I took my stitching outside to see if the bling and the glitz would show up better in photos. Meh. Not really. They were blinding in the sunlight. But you can’t tell in my photos. I’m stitching up my final little gingerbread house, and will likely finish it before the week is over. Then . . . on to sewing and stuffing. These are so much fun to make! (So much.) (Maybe too much.)

So that’s my update on the making scene here.
A little bewitched . . . a little bothered . . . and totally bedazzled!

How about you???


*Fodder School is, essentially, a year long, in-depth, mixed-media art extravaganza featuring classes, techniques, and projects to get you making something . . . from something you (probably) already have. I decided to sign up this year because . . . I’m looking for some new inspiration in the creative-artsy department. So far, so good! (We’re in month 2 of a full year program and I love it!)