This summer has really flown by. And I’ll bet it especially seems so for the kids in my neighborhood . . . because come Monday, they’ll be back to school. I thought it might be fun for us all to think about our own back-to-school days with a little . . .

Thinking back to your early back-to-school days, which best describes your experience (or preferences):
This? or That?

Ride the bus . . . OR . . . Walk to school

Lunch box . . . OR . . . Cafeteria

Wide-ruled . . . OR . . . College-ruled

Safety Patrol . . . OR . . . Lunch Monitor

In trouble for talking . . . OR . . . In trouble for passing notes

3-Ring Binder . . . OR . . . Trapper-Keeper

Spelling bee . . . OR . . . Math flash cards

Hopscotch . . . OR . . . Jump rope

Penmanship . . . OR . . . Keyboarding

Band . . . OR . . . Choir

White board . . . OR . . . Chalk board

Hogwarts . . . OR . . . Jedi Academy


To answer, just copy the list above, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.

This . . . or . . . That?
I can’t wait to see what you choose.

(As for me? Check the comments to find out!)