Remember that song? Incense and Peppermints . . . a silly little song I loved as a child . . .

Beatniks and politics, nothin’ is newA yardstick for lunatics, one point of view
Who cares what games we chooseLittle to win, but nothing to lose

(Those lyrics! Some things never change, huh?)

Anyway. Last spring, I cast on for this Musselburgh hat. I’ve been lugging it around as my just-in-case, mindless knitting project for months, with very little progress to show. Finally, over the holidays, I got tired of it rolling around in the bottom of my knitting bag . . . and I decided to just finish it!

It would’ve been a quicker finish, but I was confident that I knew how the crown decreases worked. So, y’know . . .  I didn’t need to consult the pattern.
(Talk about some things never changing. . . )

I finished just in time for the “bomb cyclone” to hit Michigan last weekend. I didn’t even block the thing. I just stuck it on my head and went out to fill those bird feeders!

I haven’t posted this to Ravelry, and I’m not sure I’m going to, actually. But I did put all the details – and a few more photos –  in my Field Notes, if you’re interested.

Have you knit a Musselburgh? I think this is my fourth. And I’ll probably cast on for another one soon. (Something has to live at the bottom of my knitting bag!)


How about you? What are you making these days?