Checking in . . . from the middle of the month.

Life, generally, looks a little more interesting in June, y’know?

I mean, I’m doing all the same-old, same-old . . .

There’s always something to do in the garden. I’m moving on from the early-season frenzy to more . . . maintenance work. Deadheading. Maintenance-weeding. Cutting back. Filling in.

I’m knitting. Still with the skirt. But almost finished. I blocked it on Monday, mid-project. I wanted to check the fit before committing to the waistband, and I definitely wanted to avoid any little surprises I might discover after the whole thing is finished. I have a few inches to go until I can wrap it up — but I’m close. (And . . .  I can tell it’s going to be a winner! Can’t wait til I can wear this one.)

I’m enjoying summer evenings out on the patio. (Really . . . best part of the day.)

But I’m also . . . NOT doing the same-old, same-old.

We have an extra “passenger” this month . . . and that changes everything! There are more conversations. And a whole lot more distractions. More baking. Lots of laughter. Life is a little more complicated, a little less efficient. But a whole lot more colorful!

We’ve been able to head up north for some rest and relaxation . . . and some fishing and s’mores. We put in a new dock this year at the lake. (After 25 years with our old dock, we were more than ready for an upgrade.)



At mid-month, I’m enjoying the summer . . . enjoying this special time with Erin.
Life is good!

(And so was that lemon curd, by the way . . . )