“Our gift to the world comes as much through our being and presence, our smile and touch, our sense of possibility and the mystery of human life, as it does in the specifics of what we do. Wherever we go, we can be a beacon of well-being, love, and care that not only touches but uplifts those whom we encounter.”
– Jack Kornfield

It seems that everywhere I go this month, the question I get asked is . . . “Got all your shopping done?” Sigh. (I do, by the way. But only because I do so little of it.) I really do enjoy giving gifts to the people I love – at the holidays or any time of year, actually. But the focus on “gifting” this month is extreme. The buying, the wrapping, the giving, the receiving, the ceremony of it all. It’s nice . . . but . . . it makes me cringe a little bit.

Because many of the best gifts I’ve ever received have come to me . . . unwrapped!

I’m talking about gifts that come from the heart, spontaneous and unplanned, and often . . . just what I need most. Simple kindnesses. Small gestures. Words of encouragement or gratitude or support. Good news. Invitation and welcome. Sometimes from people I know well and love, but just as often from strangers I will never encounter again.

I think that’s what Jack Kornfield is talking about in the quote I shared today . . . “being a beacon of well-being, love, and care that not only touches but uplifts those whom we encounter.” He’s talking about giving gifts that can’t be purchased and don’t need to be wrapped . . . but that can touch and uplift those people we meet. Even if we don’t know them well or don’t expect to ever see them again.

Today, consider the unwrapped gifts you can offer . . . all year long.
Shine your light!


If you’re wondering what this “advent calendar” is all about, you can read my “intro” post here.