This post originally appeared on the blog Stepping Away From the Edge, July 25, 2022.

How it’s already gotten to be the last week of July . . . is beyond me. Really. Time has been flying! Anyway. I’ve been thinking a lot about summer reading lately, and to celebrate this week’s Booker Prize long list announcement (Tuesday), I thought it might be fun to wrap up the month with . . .

Sunglasses resting on a book

Reading a book-book . . . OR . . . Reading on an e-reader

Listening to an audiobook . . . OR . . . I can’t concentrate when I listen to a book

Feel like I must finish what I start . . . OR . . . Life is too short to read books I’m not enjoying

Library . . . OR . . . Bookstore

Sometimes I read the ending first . . . OR . . . I wouldn’t dream of peeking at the ending

Book club . . . OR . . . No group reads for me

Multiple books at once . . . OR . . . One book at a time

Read in bed . . . OR . . . Too tired to concentrate on a book at bedtime

Follow book awards . . . OR . . . Book awards? What book awards?

Sometimes I re-read books . . . OR . . . Not interested in reading something again

Always have a book with me . . . OR . . . Always have my knitting with me


To answer, just copy the the list above, paste it into the comment field, and indicate your answers.

This . . . or . . . That?
I can’t wait to see what you choose.

(As for me? Check the comments to find out!)