This post originally appeared on the blog Stepping Away From the Edge August 11, 2022.

In my garden – both indoors and out – I tend to do a lot of . . . Face Plants!

Not the kind of face plants where I fall on my face (although . . . that could happen . . . ). I’m talking about planters . . . with faces.

I’ve always been drawn to face plants, and I have many of them in my garden. I think they’re charming and whimsical . . . and it’s fun to maintain their “hairstyles” too.

A couple of weeks ago, I added two new face plants to my collectioon. They’re pretty tiny, but packed with fun.

It looks like my “thing” with faces might be expanding, though. Because I also added this little creature to my menagerie. . .

I’m always looking for fun in my garden!
How about you? Do you “face plant” in your garden, too?