Welcome to . . . Read With Us Discussion Day

Bonny and Carole and I are posting discussion question(s) today for our latest RWU book . . . Intermezzo by Sally Rooney. Join the discussion by commenting on our blogs.

Let’s begin!

To get things rolling, I’m going to ask the same quesstion I always ask  . . . Did you read Intermezzo? And if you did, what did you think?

Personally, I find the way Rooney writes – and how she draws readers into her novels – to be as intriguing as the stories she tells, so I’m going to focus my discussion today on some of the more “structural” elements of the book.

  1. Rooney narrates the novel from three perspectives: Peter, Ivan, and Ivan’s love interest Margaret. Why do you think Rooney chose these three as her narrators? How do their styles of narration differ, and what do these differences tell you about their characters?
  2. Intermezzo is a book of love and loss. What emotions did you feel as you read the novel? Did any of the story make you cry?
  3. If you’ve read Rooney’s previous novels, how did this one compare in style, themes, and impact?

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

(Be sure to visit Bonny and Carole today for additional questions about Intermezzo.)


Don’t forget: We’ll be discussing the book on Zoom tonight – 7:00 pm Eastern Time. There’s still time for you to join us! Just let me know of your interest either with a comment or by sending me an email (see sidebar, above) — and I’ll send a Zoom invitation.

PS – If you are planning to join us on the Zoom, but haven’t received an invitation from me (I sent them Monday evening), please let me know so I can get the Zoom link to you today.