Okay. So we’ve had our cabin up north for . . . 26 years . . . and this is the first time in all that time . . . that we’ve caught a PERFECT fall weekend up there!

Yep. In the great Venn diagram of life . . . this is the first time that we’ve landed smack-dab in the sweet spot intersection of . . .

  • Weather
  • Color
  • Lack of Stress

And it was so dang nice.

We’ve been trying to/needing to get up to the cabin for a number of reasons this fall. We recently had a BIG tree taken down (when we weren’t there) . . . and we needed to check that out. It’s also time for us to get ready to close everything down for the season (which Tom will do in a couple of weeks). So there were plenty of year-end chores waiting for us. And then, of course . . .  I always dream of a lovely, deep-woods-fall-color kind of weekend.

But usually . . . things just don’t line up. The culprit is generally the weather. It’s often rainy and/or cold when we’re up there in the fall. Or we’re dealing with time pressure or life stress or calendar challenges. As for hitting “peak color”? That’s always a moving target. And most years, we end up slogging through our end-of-season chores in the rain, wearing several layers of clothes. . . and with all the leaves on the ground.

This year, though . . .  I discovered that it’s a whole lot nicer to do those chores when the weather is pleasant. And the trees are beautiful. And we can relax and just enjoy the process!

Sweet spot for the win!

JoJo and I walked our nearby trails. Tom fished. We enjoyed a fire. Went out for dinner. Drank beer on our deck. Slept in. JoJo enjoyed her lake time — and the last swim of the season. And, of course, we took care of all our year-end chores. (Which really ARE a drag. But necessary.)

It’s such a treat when things . . . line up . . . in just the best way possible.
It doesn’t happen all that often.
So it’s nice to just . . . enjoy it . . . when it does!

“There are no days so delightful as those of a fine October.”
—- Alexander Smith