As many of you know, it can be a bit stressful to live in two places (whether it’s living in two houses at once, or having a camper, or juggling a summer place/winter place). For us, when we head up north . . .  it’s not like going on a vacation, really. Because when we’re up at our cabin, “regular life” goes on! We have to bring our “work” with us (paper work, Tom’s job work, the work of a life, etc.). We still do our workouts up here.  We bring JoJo up here. We make dinner and clean up and do chores and fix broken things up here (looking at you, septic tank).

And, of course, we play up here, too!
Which, really, makes all the backing-and-forthing and coming-and-going totally worth it.

I hope you enjoy these “postcards” of “lake life” from our summer up north. (Absent the septic tank woes, of course.)

Enjoy your weekend! I hope you can find joy in these fleeting summer days.