I haven’t been doing much knitting this summer, but I am making progress with my tiny sweater. Things are moving along. I have yet to . . . finish the body, add some narrow button bands, then seam-and-weave-ends. And I’ll be traveling this week, so I’m confident the sweater will be finished before the baby arrives.

I’ve knit a lot of baby sweaters over the years (all gifts; I never knit for my own kids when they were babies), but I think this little sweater might be my favorite. I love the striped yoke. I love the vertical slip stitch lines that run down the yoke. I love garter stitch sweaters for babies. I love narrow button bands on baby sweaters. So this design ticks all those boxes. (It’s this pattern, by the way.)

I also like how gender-neutral this design is. I chose to knit the stripes in a pinky shade for this go-round (the baby is a girl, and her mom is very girlie), but this sweater would work up nicely in any color combination. It’s also a Not Fussy sweater — one that is practical and made to be worn. And although this baby is due in a few weeks – smack dab in the middle of summer – I’m making a bigger size so it can keep an active baby warm when the weather turns cool. (This baby lives in a northern climate.)

I also love that the pattern calls for knitting the sleeves flat (my preferred method when it comes to sleeves). In fact, the instructions are unique (to me) in that they actually call for knitting the sleeves flat after the yoke increases are complete and before knitting the body. It’s a clever and effective technique I’ve never seen before. (There is a photo that kind of shows the result of this below. It would have been better had I taken a photo with just the sleeves before I got going on the body stitches. But I didn’t do that.)

My very favorite thing about this sweater, though? It’s that little contrast stripe on the sleeves! And there’ll be another one at the hem edge, too, when I get there. So sweet!


How about you? What’s your favorite baby sweater pattern?