Have you been playing along with my Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt? As a reminder  . . . here’s the June list of summer-y things to “do” or “find:”

  1. Visit a farmer’s market.
  2. Paint your toenails a fun color.
  3. Do some summer reading/join a summer reading program/take part in a book group meeting.
  4. Wear your favorite sunglasses.
  5. Add a whimsical touch to your life.
  6. Visit a public garden.
  7. Drive or ride in/on an unconventional vehicle.
  8. Eat breakfast outside.
  9. See a summer blockbuster movie.
  10. Eat a “classic” ice cream treat.

I’m betting you’ve done at least one or two of these things. It’s time to check ’em off your list! Send me an email (link in sidebar) to let me know which items you’ve “found.” Include a story if you like (for bonus points) or a photo (for even more bonus points).

I’ll be publishing the July list on Monday. AND I’ll be announcing the June winners that day, too. Hurry! Summer doesn’t last long . . .

Find those summer vibes!