Happy New Year, friends!

As I mentioned in my Lightning Round post yesterday, it is my intention to meet this new year . . . gently. So I woke early this morning, and sat with my coffee in the glow of the twinkle lights, JoJo at my feet. (It’s her 12th birthday today, so I gave her some extra pets and lots of attention.) I meditated. Did the Wordle. Took a look at a new stitching piece I plan to start later today. Sipped more coffee. Now I’m headed off to do some yoga.

I wish you all an equally peace-filled, gentle beginning to this new day . . .  in this new year.

Be kind.
Lead with gentleness.
Look for joy.

Happy New Year!

“Great ideas…come into the world as gently as doves…if we listen attentively, we shall hear, amid the uproar…a faint flutter of wings, the gentle stirring of life and hope.”

   — Albert Camus