First of all, let me explain. I was NOT planning to post anything today. In fact, I wasn’t even planning to look at my “screens” ALL weekend. (I do find that significant digital breaks are really helpful for me.)
But then . . .
a well-intentioned friend sent me a text this morning . . . with a link to something. “Did you see this?” she said. And I trust her, so I clicked. Even though I had promised myself I wouldn’t look at Instagram this weekend.
And then I decided it was worth looking at, and might be something for me to share with y’all.
So here I am . . .
Posting on a Saturday.
Because it is the first day of February. And I feel like I have been emotionally beat up this week. I’m exhausted. I’m sad. I’m having a really hard time looking for hope. And I need . . . a little something.
You, too?
Here’s what my well-intentioned friend passed along.
It’s Kate Bowler’s 28 Days of Loving More . . . “thing” . . . for the month of February. Now, if you know me at all . . . you know that I hate ANYTHING that has to do with [insert # of days] here or month-long “challenges”. . . so please bear with me. Because this one actually passes my sniff-test. (And I’m feeling really desperate myself, and this idea at least got me to smile.)
I’ll just include Kate’s description (from her Instagram post today) of her 28-day “thing” for you to read. Because she is very eloquent, and can explain it all much better than I can, so take it away Kate. . .
Happy Saturday, and welcome to the first week of 28 DAYS OF LOVING MORE(!), a series where each week, I’ll encourage you to do one small thing every day to show yourself, your people, or your community a little love.
After all, love isn’t just about the Hallmark holiday and swooning, movie-worthy romances. Sometimes, the hardest part of love is learning to recognize the small, steady acts that connect us.
For the next 7 days, I’m encouraging you to do little things like pick up trash in your neighborhood or surprise someone with dinner, nothing crazy, I swear. (AND IF YOU HATE ALL OF MY IDEAS, use them as inspiration to do something else.)
She does go on to talk about tagging and other Instagram “stuff” (which I will not do; but if you’re interested here’s a link to her IG post). Kate also mentioned sharing with your friends.
Which I am doing.
Right here, right now.
(And I plan to post next week’s list . . . next Saturday, so I guess I’ll be back.)
So. It’s just a simple, lovely little idea to keep us going (and as Margaret Renkl commented on Kate’s post . . . “you’re so good at keeping us from weeping into our oatmeal bowls”) and to keep us focused on the little things that we CAN do; the little things that really matter.
Make it so, friends.
Make it so.
Fill your cup.
(And if you don’t see this until next week, jump in whenever you want. It’s not a contest. Beginning on February 1 doesn’t matter a whit. It’s just about . . . small steps and loving each other . . . every day of every month.)
Thanks – this is a good idea. One day at a time.
this is perfect for right now! thanks for passing it along … and happy February!
Such a fine idea. Gives “Hello February” a whole new outlook. A fun way to get through a (usually) crapola month!
I had not seen this (I don’t follow Kate) so thank you for sharing her “tidbits” on Saturday’s! I too have been on a “screen moratorium” as well… avoiding all things social media is saving my life most days.
I didn’t even see this until this morning and I’ve already smiled at a bunch of strangers when I was out walking yesterday! I also noticed a lot of trash in my neighborhood, but I didn’t have a bag to stow it in, so I’ll make sure I do that the next time I go out. I am fully in support of Kate’s effort to make the world a little better in whatever way we can, even if it only makes our immediate vicinity better.
I am feeling very despondent this morning so I greatly appreciate this little glimmer of something to do to make myself feel better. Thank you.
A list that is both manageable and rewarding! I can do this! Thank you!
Didn’t see this until this morning. I will attempt to find the energy to do this, but I am not optimistic, Kym. However, I do appreciate that you are trying to lift us up. It’s a big job these days. (I went on to post some dark comments, but I deleted them. There is enough dark stuff for you to read without my contributing to it.) Have a good week, create something!