My mom was, truly, the Queen of the Mantra. 

She would never think of herself that way, though. And she would never, ever have used the word “mantra.” But she was full of ‘em! And her favorite was this one . . . everything will be just fine

I will admit that this was NOT a mantra I wanted to hear as a child – and especially not as a teenager. I wanted my [issue du jour] to be FIXED, damnit! I wanted a solution! I wanted justice! I wanted restitution!

What my mom always gave me, though . . . was (sigh) one of her everything-will-be-just-fines.

My sister and I laugh about it now, in that way adult children will. But, eventually, we also came to understand that she was really giving us a gift . . . the gift of resilience!

My lovely mom had a lot of really crappy things to deal with in her growing up years. And then she had more crappy things to deal with as an adult. Yet . . . she was the most loving, thoughtful, and kind person I’ve ever known. She wasn’t a flashy, showy kind of mom. She was a quiet, supportive, brimming-with-love-whatever-you-did kind of mom. She didn’t dwell on the crappy things. She moved through them with grace and dignity and good humor. She never fixed our [issues du jour] that I can recall. But she did show us how to keep going.

For my mom, everything WAS just fine.
Because she made it so.
I mean . . . what else are you going to do with the crappy things of life? You pick up the pieces and stick them back together and keep moving as best you can. You . . . make it so. And that’s resilience.

Now that I’m a grown up (and an old one at that), I can look back and see how very often I’ve applied my mom’s favorite mantra (everything will be just fine) over and over in my life. I swore I would never say those words to my kids – or to myself. And I haven’t. What I did, though, was translate my mom’s words (unwittingly, of course) into words that seemed more palatable to me, but that essentially mean the same thing: make it so. It’s one of my mantras. And one that I often told (still tell) my kids. (I’m sure they laugh about it behind my back.) (So it goes.) 

When things go wrong – as they do, as they will – we keep going. We . . . make it so. Because what else are we going to do?

Although many of us are filled with the anxiety that comes from a bleak and uncertain future (spoiler alert: the future is always uncertain), we need to remember that we are also filled with the tools that will help us get through it. It’s time to sharpen up those tools!

Everything will be just fine.
Because we will make it so.

“Resilience is knowing that you are the only one that has the power and the responsibility to pick yourself up.”
Mary Holloway

Fill your cup.