[Edited to Add: I’ve heard from a few of you that my commenting feature is acting up, and you’re afraid your comments aren’t getting through to me. I’m here to assure you . . . they ARE getting through and they’re actually posting as usual. Word Press is just acting up again. I think if you refresh your feed after sending your comment, you’ll see they actually show up like normal. I’m sorry for the weirdness. I’m betting it will get sorted in a day or two . . . as is often the case with weird Word Press comment glitches. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please keep commenting – -even if it looks like they’ve disappeared. ]

Just a quick reminder today: The Read With Us discussion day for our summer pick, The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley, is coming right up . . . next Tuesday, September 17. Bonny, Carole, and I will each be posting a question about the book on our blogs that morning. (And we’re excited because we’ll be “launching” a new and more coordinated question-posing strategy that day. I think you’ll like it!) And then we’ll be hosting the Zoom Book Group that same evening at 7:00 Eastern time.

The Zoom discussions are always fun and interesting – and we love to welcome new faces and voices to the mix. Our Read With Us Zooms last about an hour-and-a-half, and we truly do discuss the books. (As a special treat, we always reveal the next Read With Us book to the group at the close of the discussion, which is a couple of weeks ahead of when we announce the next pick on our blogs.) If you’ve never joined us, please consider popping in to see what it’s all about.

Speaking of the Zoom, I’ll be sending out the Zoom link on Monday afternoon . . . so I need your RSVPs if you’re planning to attend and want to receive the link. (So far, I only have 3 RSVPs.*) Please know that your (early-ish) RSVPs help me get the invitations/link info sent out in a timely manner. (Although there is no deadline for RSVPing – and we’re happy to send late link information – it does create extra work on a busy blog day.) You can RSVP by commenting to this post, or by sending an email to me or Bonny or Carole. (There is an RSVP link in my blog sidebar or right on the Read With Us page.)

If it’s been a while since you read the book, you can refresh your memory before the discussion by checking out our Read With Us page. I’ve recently added a link to an excellent summary of the book that Bonny discovered (scroll down to find the Supplemental Information section).

We hope you’ll join us for the discussion on Tuesday. This will be a fun book to discuss together! (And if you haven’t read it/finished it yet, you still have time. It’s a pretty quick read.)

C’mon along!
Read With Us.


* Linda, Patty, and Carolyn . . . that’s you.