When I’m worn out. And hot. And out of sorts. And just generally bummed out . . . There is one “Rx” that nearly always does the trick for me: COLOR. Lots of color. (And some cheerful stickers go a long way, too.)

Just before we left last week, I pulled out my embroidery thread and “shopped” for the brightest, cheeriest, garden-iest colors I could find. I created a colorful basket/tray for storing them and keeping track of them. And then I started in on this design (scroll down) from Dropcloth Samplers. I’ve said it many times before (and I’m sure I’ll say it again), I love Rebecca’s samplers – and her whole stitching vibe. She provides the samplers; you provide the magic. It’s like coloring in a color book . . . only with thread instead of crayons. It’s fun, it lets your imagination run a little wild, and it’s great for achieving that creative “flow state.”

I didn’t bring this project with me as we traveled (too many parts), but I did dream about getting back home to pick it up again. (I did pack along my baby sweater knitting, but – as is usually my way – I didn’t knit a stitch during our travels.)

Bright colors make me smile. They add joy and an upbeat feeling. (And we can all use some of that right now, I’m thinking.) And when I use those bright colors to stitch a garden-y theme – with butterflies! – it does seem to help lift the clouds. At least a little bit.

Just stitching that little pod-like flower (see photo below) made me feel a whole lot better this morning. Even the muddled back-of-the-project view brings me joy.

These days, it’s all about the little things.


How about you? What helps you get through the rough times?


I know it’s hot and the news is bleak . . . but don’t forget to play along with my Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt! (Because . . . heck. Who doesn’t need some ice cream these days?)