First, happy Monday-after-the-time-change everyone. (Yikes.)

Next, the reminder: Discussion day/Zoom day for our winter Read With Us selection – Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible – is coming up next week on Tuesday, March 19.

Then, my request: Usually, I ask you to send me an RSVP for the Zoom, and then I send out Zoom invites/information on the day before the discussion. This time, though, I need to do things a little bit differently. I’m heading out for a visit with Erin, and won’t be returning until the day before the Zoom — so I want to send out the Zoom invitations early this time around.

Please send me your RSVPs if you’d like to attend the Zoom . . . now (today or tomorrow). (If you aren’t sure if you’ve already sent me an RSVP, just go ahead and send me another.) Look for a Zoom invitation on Tuesday night.

How to RSVP? Just let me know here, in the comments. Or you can send me an email (there is a handy link in the sidebar or on the Read With Us page).

I know it’s early. I know it’s a different procedure. I hope you won’t mind. And, of course, there will still be an opportunity to join in at the last minute if you don’t read this until after I’ve left. I’m just trying to take care of the bulk of the work before I leave. (You know how it goes when you’re taking a trip. . .)


And now . . . on with that Monday!