I’m sure you’re all quite familiar with the adage you can’t pour from an empty cup. It’s often used to justify the self-care that we all need . . . but that we don’t always prioritize. But, really. We need to prioritize it. When it’s cold and dark and the future is uncertain, we need our cups to be full of kindness. . . all the way up to the brim!

Here where I live, in the northern part of the country, it’s usually quite cold and snowy in the winter. We prepare for driving in winter weather by keeping our gas tanks topped off. You sure don’t want to be caught running low on gas out on the road when the wind chill is dangerously low or the snow is blowing.

It’s the same thing with the personal reserves of kindness we hold in our cups. We want to keep them well topped off at all times so we can shield ourselves against . . . all of the (many) things that drain us and sap our energy – and our kindness.

When I find myself paying too much attention to, oh say . . . news headlines or posts on Instagram or even just certain items on my to-do list, I can physically feel my mood . . . sink . . . as that kindness drains right out of my cup.

If I can nip that in the bud by “offsetting” my creeping despair with some of the things that actually . . . fill my cup . . . I begin to feel like myself again. Calmer. More focused. And ready to meet another day.

Nothing has changed in the broader landscape of the world, of course. All the crap is still out there. But my ability to deal with that broader landscape (and all the crap) . . . improves.

I know you already know this.
And you all know exactly what to do to fill your own cup.

What I’d like to encourage you to do . . . in this season of busy, in this time of darkness and uncertainty . . . is to find a way to remind yourself to . . . take the time to do it. Because that seems to be the trick . . . remembering to shift our focus to the re-filling part: gas in the tank; kindness in our cup.

My little mantra – protect your peace – works for me. When I find myself slipping into despair, I repeat those words silently to myself. It helps me loosen and switch over to a cup-filling activity: my art or my knitting or some poetry or a walk. I’ll bet you can discover a way to remind yourself, too.

Give it a try.
Protect your peace.

“In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.”
     — Deepak Chopra

Fill your cup.