During Erin’s recent extended visit (she’s headed back home today), we spent lots of time up north at the lake. (It warms my heart to hear her refer to the cabin as her “happy place” . . . despite all the complaining she did as a teenager about going there. . . ). In two separate trips up north, each lasting several days, we encountered . . . well . . . not very nice weather. (Like . . . we were wearing my wool sweaters and socks the whole time.)

But that’s okay. We made the best of things . . .  AND “made” some memories while we were at it. As in . . .  I had packed some air-dry clay, so we could capture some actual “cabin-memories” in clay while we were there.


We collected a bunch of stuff  . . . objects . . .   reminders . . . of our time up north. Ferns. Fish hooks. Acorns. Grasses. Oxeye daisies. Sticks. Leaves. Snail shells. Rocks. Then we cut out “amulet” shapes from the clay,  and “impressed” those shapes with our “reminders” of being up north.

This week (back home in hot Kalamazoo), the clay was dry, and it was time to get out the paints!


I’m planning to use my up north amulets to create a mobile I can hang at the cabin. Erin . . . hasn’t decided what she’ll do with hers yet. But she’s excited to take them back to California as a reminder of happy times . . . throughout her childhood and now, visiting from far away.


It was a fun project for us to do together — and a great way for us to “make” some memories!


How about you? What are you making this week?