Yesterday afternoon, as the last light of the day was slipping away, Tom and I busied ourselves around the house . . . plugging in twinkle lights and starting a fire and lighting candles . . . to bring light into our indoor space for the rest of the evening.

Which got me thinking. . .
In the warmer months of the year, it’s so easy to live in the light, to be warm, to surround ourselves with color. We just go outside! Nature . . . takes care of things for us.

But, as Tom and I were demonstrating last night, we can have the light, the warmth, and the color we crave in the winter season, too. We just have to make it happen . . . for ourselves! We need to switch on the lights. Start the fire. Plug in the twinkle lights. Add the colorful throw pillows. Get out the flannel sheets. Light the candles.

In the winter, we have to take action to counter the darkness.

As you go through your day today, think about all the ways you are actively bringing light and warmth and color to your dark winter days. And then . . . shift that thinking just a little bit. Broaden it. Reflect on . . . how you can bring more light, more color, more warmth . . .  into all the dark corners of your life. All year long.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
~ Albus Dumbledore

If you’re wondering what this “advent calendar” is all about, you can read my “intro” post here.