As December winds down, I always like to review the year-nearly-finished to remember what happened and how I felt about things during the year. I like taking stock. Reminding myself where I was back in January. Understanding how I got . . . here now, in December.
I find it to be a good, grounding way to end one year . . . before beginning the next.
But . . . sigh. If I were to describe my feelings about 2024 in one word, it would be . . . unsettled. While it wasn’t a terrible year for me – not really – I generally found 2024 to be a rough one. Start to finish. All the way through. There was this . . . waiting-to-exhale vibe that just wove its way through every aspect of . . . everything. And it made life just feel fraught all the time. I was constantly off balance, not-quite-me.
There were good things that happened for me, to be sure. (And doing a review like this really helps me see those things. Which is the whole point of doing this sort of “exercise.”) I am in good health — and I feel good. My family relationships continue to be strong and loving. My circle of friends is growing. My garden brought me much joy and a sense of peace (despite the f*cking deer). Our little cabin up north provided a lovely retreat for me. And my developing art practice was a definite bright spot.
But it was also a year that regularly challenged my emotional well-being and mental health. In fact, when I re-read my journal entries for the year, I was struck by how much . . . heaviness . . . I was dealing with this year. And not just from the never-ending world crises and U.S. political turmoil carrying on in the background, either. I also had some significant personal demons to wrestle with this year, and that is always heavy.
My big take-aways and bright spots from 2024:
- My mental health and emotional well-being are much improved when I keep myself away from news, including news headlines. It is amazing how much “external events” drove my moods throughout 2024. Although I’m still not ignoring the news entirely, I am checked out enough now that I feel more functional and less distraught.
- It is vital that I intentionally seek out and continue developing ways to protect my peace. My daily(ish) art practice really helped me in ways I didn’t expect, so that needs to continue. Connecting with other people, specifically with friends, is really important for my well-being, so that needs to continue and maybe expand. Allowing myself to just . . . check out . . . from time to time (without apologizing for it) is key. Regular “treats” for myself (massages, floral bouquets, a nap, new moisturizer . . . ) go a long way.
- The one-little-word thing has lost its charm for me. For 13 years, having a “word” helped me develop an annual self-reflection practice. While I’m still very interested in the whole self-reflection “thing,” I just don’t feel I need to do it through one specific word anymore, so that will be ending. (Actually, it ended in 2024. I didn’t do much with my word.)
- Although I’m still committed to my fitness, and generally loving my strength training workouts (or, I should say, the way they make me feel), I’m feeling bored with my current fitness routine. That means . . . it’s time to mix things up again, so that’s on my list to figure out in the new year.
- Wrestling with personal demons is never fun. It takes a lot of focus and personal reflection – and a lot of brain space – to get things sorted. But doing so is worth the effort. Life really does feel better – lighter – once you get through the crap and figure things out.
So. 2024 left me feeling mostly . . . unsettled. But I also feel less distraught here at the end of the year.
I’m ready to move forward.
Join me tomorrow for my annual Year-in-Review Lightning Round (always a good time).
I highly recommend doing some sort of “annual review” before heading into a new year. It really is helpful to look back over your whole year-just-finishing before plunging into the year-just-beginning. There are all kinds of processes for doing this kind of “annual review” out there, and you can find a lot of them on . . . oh, say Instagram . . . right now. I find they all pretty much follow the same general process. If you’re interested, here’s what I do for my annual review . . .
First, I gather all the things that remind me of what happened in the year-just-finishing: my camera roll, my journals, my planner/calendar, my blog posts for the year. Then I “review” them and note . . . events, “themes,” highlights, low points, etc. Finally, I answer these questions:
- What were the highlights of my year/what gave me energy?
- What were the challenges of my year/what drained my energy?
- What did I learn about myself this year?
- What do I want to start doing/stop doing/and continue doing in the new year?
- What is one thing that I can do right now to get me started for the new year?
And then . . . I feel ready to think ahead to the new year.
And one more thing . . . I started taking selfies during the pandemic in 2020. It was mostly as a way to track my progress as I grew out my hair. But I have just kept doing it. It’s a fun way to look back at my life over the years, so I include some of them in my Year-in-Review posts.
I did this exact thing, but in long hand… in my new journal. I am not likely to share it all for the world to see, but YES… a frank review is a Very Good Thing! I especially love how I have it handy to look back on as I get started with 2025 (and for all those times when I will feel bogged down… there is so much “when you are bogged down” wisdom in that review!) I am with you on the news blackout… and while I have not turned off “headline notifications” on my phone, I pay little attention to them (except for yesterday… there was some joy in imagining Jimmy reunited with his beloved Rosalynn with added bonus points for Official Mourning Periods! Jimmy Carter… the humanitarian who keeps on giving!)
I am sort of sad that you are stepping away from your word practice… I learned so much from you! One thing I learned that will stick is your word journal… mine began sort of rough… but last year felt so good (and I filled the entire journal!!) But I am eager to see what you continue to share (and teach us) in 2025!
I am so blessed by your friendship, Kym… thank you so very much! XO
The big thing that unsettled me this year was the election and everything associated with it. I was upset after The Debate in June and was really upset after the election results. But it has been a lesson in trying to overlook things that I really have no control over and trying to enjoy the things that I can control (that Serenity Prayer stuff)! I was really angry that I could barely read after the election but now I feel like I’m back to normal in that area, and will approach 2025 with some cautious optimism.
I am in the reflecting on my year place and it has been so good to look back before I look too far forward. I always appreciate your transparency here Kym.
A couple of weeks back there was an article in our local paper about how “unsettled” people felt. A lot of it having to do with the turmoil of the campaigns and the election results, but it was so much more than just that. 2024 turned everyone on edge …….they were stressed, some were mean (very mean), and everyone just felt like the other shoe had yet to drop.
I don’t think 2025 will be a walk in the park by any means, but at least we know the devil we have to deal with and plan accordingly.
Personally, 2024 was a pretty bad year — physically, mentally (a lot having to do with the physical), and probably I wasn’t a whole lot of fun to be around. I didn’t even want to be around me at times. My brain was like a computer with too many tabs open and the power button would not shut off.
THAT is what I am working on for 2025. Like you I’m way scaling back on the news and absolutely scaling back on social media. Less screen, more “eye” reading, slow stitching (and knitting) and more fresh air.
Wishing you a very happy New Year!
I’m not in the habit of New Years/Old Years reflections, but I realize just sitting here thinking after reading your post has been so valuable. I’ve been overemphasizing the (truly) awful end to the election and all that’s entailed. But this was the year I finished my Alabama Chanin dress. B5, the non-profit Chuck and I devote so much to, finally got it’s own building, after working out of two tiny apartments for so many years. We were able to renew some precious relationships that had been damaged by a family estrangement. This was a hard year, even a bad year, and also a really good year.
Happy New Year everyone!
I have a feeling that many of us are looking back at 2024 and not feeling particularly happy about what we’re seeing (other than the fact that it’s in the rear-view mirror now). It was a rough year all around, for many reasons. I’m sorry that you had your own struggles on top of everything else, but I am glad to hear that things are looking up in that respect. I’ve been thinking back on my personal stuff, and while it wasn’t a great year for me in terms of physical health, I’m actually pretty amazed at how well I’ve dealt with the setbacks, so I guess I’ve made some progress in not being such a pessimist? Anyway, here’s to better things — and lots more art! — in 2025!
I think unsettled is a perfect description for 2024. Your reflections are heartfelt and thoughtful. Thank you for sharing them. I’ve been doing some reflecting of my own. I am going to give your review questions more thought. One of my biggest learnings this year is an idea you and your daughter put into words. I think as I head into 2025, “Protecting my peace” is so important.
As someone who lives inside my own head too much, I find that besides knitting (which is a great antidote for that) that the example and teaching of others can be of great help. This year I found a particularly influential (“the right words at the right time”) person and am grateful for that. Love the beautiful Jimmy Carter mosaic quote. I think as a nation we are both.
What a lovely post Kym. I always appreciate how open your posts are (and I love your selfies!!). Just as I am not one to journal or make lists, I am not really one to review my past year. I will say that I was surprised to remember that I was still working through the end of February! LOL. I had forgotten that. Highlights for me were C&M moving home from TX and, of course, Iris!!! Reading your post, it looks like you have a good plan for moving into 2025. Wishing you much peace and joy in the new year.
I’m still in the reflecting place … starting to see glimmers of what I might want to take into 2025. The timing of the Advent season and the focus on Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love coming on the tails of the election has been a game changer for me. I love your selfie-habit, and thank you for sharing so much of your personal stuff here with us. Looking forward to another year together!
I’ve never spent much time in self-reflection (or enjoyed it), which is probably why my OLW practice lasted all of 13 minutes! Unsettled is the perfect word to sum up the past year.
Thank you for sharing your personal journey through 2024. I always think of you as so healthy, both mentally and physically, that I can’t picture you ever having personal demons to wrestle with – I’m grateful to know that you struggle, too. I’ve been taking stock by looking back through my journals but I really like those questions you included at the end of this post and I’ll be working on those, too.
I love your new haircut! Very flattering. My 2024 (and 2023) have been about struggling with health problems. Not organic/disease-wise, but mechanical — stiff joints, broken bones, extreme fatigue, and now a spinal problem. I am hopeful 2025 treats me well medically.