As December winds down, I always like to review the year-nearly-finished to remember what happened and how I felt about things during the year. I like taking stock. Reminding myself where I was back in January. Understanding how I got . . . here now, in December.

I find it to be a good, grounding way to end one year . . . before beginning the next.


But . . . sigh. If I were to describe my feelings about 2024 in one word, it would be . . . unsettled. While it wasn’t a terrible year for me – not really – I generally found 2024 to be a rough one. Start to finish. All the way through. There was this . . . waiting-to-exhale vibe that just wove its way through every aspect of . . . everything. And it made life just feel fraught all the time. I was constantly off balance, not-quite-me.

There were good things that happened for me, to be sure. (And doing a review like this really helps me see those things. Which is the whole point of doing this sort of “exercise.”) I am in good health — and  I feel good. My family relationships continue to be strong and loving. My circle of friends is growing. My garden brought me much joy and a sense of peace (despite the f*cking deer). Our little cabin up north provided a lovely retreat for me. And my developing art practice was a definite bright spot.

But it was also a year that regularly challenged my emotional well-being and mental health. In fact, when I re-read my journal entries for the year, I was struck by how much . . . heaviness . . . I was dealing with this year. And not just from the never-ending world crises and U.S. political turmoil carrying on in the background, either. I also had some significant personal demons to wrestle with this year, and that is always heavy.


My big take-aways and bright spots from 2024:

  • My mental health and emotional well-being are much improved when I keep myself away from news, including news headlines. It is amazing how much “external events” drove my moods throughout 2024. Although I’m still not ignoring the news entirely, I am checked out enough now that I feel more functional and less distraught.
  • It is vital that I intentionally seek out and continue developing ways to protect my peace. My daily(ish) art practice really helped me in ways I didn’t expect, so that needs to continue. Connecting with other people, specifically with friends, is really important for my well-being, so that needs to continue and maybe expand.  Allowing myself to just . . . check out . . . from time to time (without apologizing for it) is key. Regular “treats” for myself (massages, floral bouquets, a nap, new moisturizer . . . ) go a long way.
  • The one-little-word thing has lost its charm for me. For 13 years, having a “word” helped me develop an annual self-reflection practice. While I’m still very interested in the whole self-reflection “thing,” I just don’t feel I need to do it through one specific word anymore, so that will be ending. (Actually, it ended in 2024. I didn’t do much with my word.)
  • Although I’m still committed to my fitness, and generally loving my strength training workouts (or, I should say, the way they make me feel), I’m feeling bored with my current fitness routine. That means . . . it’s time to mix things up again, so that’s on my list to figure out in the new year.
  • Wrestling with personal demons is never fun. It takes a lot of focus and personal reflection – and a lot of brain space – to get things sorted. But doing so is worth the effort. Life really does feel better – lighter – once you get through the crap and figure things out.


So. 2024 left me feeling mostly . . . unsettled. But I also feel less distraught here at the end of the year.
I’m ready to move forward.

Join me tomorrow for my annual Year-in-Review Lightning Round (always a good time).


I highly recommend doing some sort of “annual review” before heading into a new year. It really is helpful to look back over your whole year-just-finishing before plunging into the year-just-beginning. There are all kinds of processes for doing this kind of “annual review” out there, and you can find a lot of them on . . . oh, say Instagram . . . right now. I find they all pretty much follow the same general process. If you’re interested, here’s what I do for my annual review . . .

First, I gather all the things that remind me of what happened in the year-just-finishing: my camera roll, my journals, my planner/calendar, my blog posts for the year. Then I “review” them and note . . . events, “themes,” highlights, low points, etc. Finally, I answer these questions:

  • What were the highlights of my year/what gave me energy?
  • What were the challenges of my year/what drained my energy?
  • What did I learn about myself this year?
  • What do I want to start doing/stop doing/and continue doing in the new year?
  • What is one thing that I can do right now to get me started for the new year?

And then . . . I feel ready to think ahead to the new year.


And one more thing . . . I started taking selfies during the pandemic in 2020. It was mostly as a way to track my progress as I grew out my hair. But I have just kept doing it. It’s a fun way to look back at my life over the years, so I include some of them in my Year-in-Review posts.