. . . just feel entirely different.

Sure. On this particular “Sometimes Monday” I woke up in a different physical place – in my little cabin on the lake up north. My view is different. The smells and sounds are different. The map of my day is different.

And, as it turns out, the national landscape is different, too.

Like many of you, I have been deeply mired in dread for the past several months . . . and especially so for the past few weeks. Deeply. Mired. I have been trying to reconcile myself to a long and ugly election cycle . . . and (gulp) the end of democracy. And decency. And integrity. And hope. And, frankly, it’s felt a lot like . . . despair.

So I was surprised and amazed at what the words of someone (that would be President Biden) . . . doing the right thing at the right time . . . could do to elevate my spirits. (And so quickly, too.)

Sometimes Mondays . . . feel different. Really different.
They feel energized.
They feel fresh.

I think there’s . . . a glimmer of hope again.
(Can you feel it, too?)

“It is a serious thing – just to be alive – on this fresh morning – in this broken world.”
—Mary Oliver