I envision my personal dark periods as . . . falling through a trap door. As in . . . my regular, everyday life is cruising right along and BAM! Suddenly a trap door opens and down I fall. Stuck. In the dark. With no easy way to get out.

I tend to wallow around down there for a while. Feeling miserable and paralyzed. Wanting out . . . but unable to find my way out.

Sometimes, I manage to rekindle my own inner light and discover that (what-d’you-know) there was a ladder there all the time, and I just climb out on my own. Sometimes, though, I feel too stuck to muster my own light source. And then I depend on other people to come looking for me. To shine their lights down on me. To show me that there IS a ladder down there. To help me climb out.

These are dark days for a lot of us right now. I have a feeling there’s a bunch of us who, having fallen down our own trap doors, are stuck in the pits of despair. Looking for some light – and a ladder.

What to do? First, build up your own inner light source. Add as much light to your life as you can. Every day. Maybe it’s music, maybe it’s poetry, maybe it’s knitting or twinkle lights or a candle. Just . . . do something . . .  to remind you that there IS light. Even when it feels dark.

And then, remember your friends. The ones stuck down in their own trap door purgatories. The ones who need a light and some extra help finding the ladders. Check in. Be ready to share your flashlight and lend a hand.

Find your light.
Share your light.

It’s how we go on.

As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.
— Marianne Williamson