It’s the middle of September . . . and I offer this R-E-P-O-R-T.
At mid-month, I’m . . . 

R . . . eveling.

Yes. Our weather (which was cool and rainy for much of the summer) has turned Very Hot and Very Dry (but, thankfully, not humid) in September. (And appears to be staying this way for as long as the forecast can see . . . ) So I am reveling in lovely evenings on the patio, soaking it all in before the nip of fall and the ice of winter finally move in.

E . . . ating.

My tastes and food-moods really change with the seasons, but so far (and because of the aforementioned and long-lasting heat wave), I’m still eating and enjoying “summer foods”: burgers on the grill, corn-on-the-cob, peach cobbler. Soon enough, I’ll be craving soups and chili. But for now? Anything that pairs well with a glass of Sauvignon blanc, please.


P . . . laying.

My playing-with-art-supplies adventure continues! Some painting. Some collage. Some drawing. Lots of fun — and freedom. My art journey is moving full-steam ahead, and it’s been enlightening. (And probably I should share my adventure with you here on the blog soon, as it’s a colorful, whimisical world I’m living in.)

O . . . verflowing.

All of a sudden, my lists of . . . ideas and chores and books-to-read and things-to-make . . . are just overflowing. Inspiration is surging, that’s for sure. I can feel the change of season is coming, even though there is no physical evidence of that seasonal change quite yet.


R . . . e-reading.

I’ve been reading some really excellent books lately (and you’ll hear about some of them soon, as it’s almost time for my fall equinox Top Five Books post). But right now, I’m re-reading The Ministry of Time in advance of our Read With Us discussion tomorrow. Y’know, there is much to be said for re-reading! I’m getting so much more out of this book . . . the second time around. (It’s amazing how much more you see coming . . . when you already know what’s coming.)

T . . . ransplanting.

Well. Not quite yet I’m not . . . but soon. We have a truly spectacular, self-sown redbud tree in our front yard. And this year, that tree has spawned several baby redbud trees in one of my garden beds. I’ve been nurturing them along all season long. They are small (very small), but I am ready to transplant them to other areas of my garden. Free trees! Ain’t gardening a wonder?


And that’s it for this check-in. How about you?
What’s going on for you . . . at mid-month?


Re: the commenting thing: I’m not sure what will happen this week when you try to comment (and please do try to comment). WordPress seems to have intermittent . . . weirdness . . . with commenting features. If it looks like your comment maybe didn’t “go through,” well. It likely did. Because I’m getting them on my end, even if it appears I might not be from your end. When this happens to me on other blogs (once I’ve submitted a comment that seems to disappear into the ether), I find that if I hit “refresh” on my browser I can see it. I have no explanation. It’s . . . WordPress intermittent weirdness! And thanks for hanging with me here, even though it’s weird.