It’s the middle of May (close enough), and I offer this R-E-P-O-R-T.
At mid-month, I’m . . . 

R . . . eadying.

Guess who’s showing up for her annual work-from-anywhere visit later this week??? Yep. It’s Erin! She’ll be here for about 3 weeks . . . sleeping in her old room and working from my “studio.” And she’ll be taking some vacation time, too, so we can all kick back together up at the lake. Tom and I are looking forward to sharing our space with her again this summer.

E . . . xercising.

Still every day. But differently! I’m focusing on strength training these days. Last November, I started a weight training program designed to build muscle, strengthen my bones, and get me fit for getting old. And it’s working! I still do cardio — but my main workouts are now strength workouts. Two thumbs up. Highly recommend! (And although I don’t use those 20-lb weights for everything, I do use them for a lot of things. Strength training works!)

P . . . ainting.

I’m doing a lot of painting these days (watercolor), and having more fun with it than I have in a long time. I’m not taking classes anymore, which makes it feel more fresh and freeing . . . and fun!


O . . . gling.

I spend quite a bit of time every day just admiring – and ogling – our Satomi dogwood tree. It is just stunning this year, and I’m enjoying every moment of its bloom.

R . . . emembering.

Tom’s dad passed away last week, so we are doing a lot of sharing stories and making toasts to his memory.

T . . . ending.

So much tending in the garden! (It’s a busy time of year in the garden.)


That’s it for me. How about you?
What’s going on for you . . . at mid-month?